Hide Rugs Now Offers Discounts On High Quality Animal Print Rugs

Hide Rugs is one of the top designers and retailers of high quality animal skin rugs on the internet. Their main products include animal print rugs and authentic animal skin rugs. The company recently announced generous discounts on its most highly demanded animal print rugs.4

The rugs are designed from inspirations based on the skins of animals such as tigers, and zebras. The designs are printed on high quality cowhide sourced from Brazil – a country popular for its high quality cow hides. They are printed with such dexterity that they look and feel like the authentic hides of the respective animals.

Hide Rugs is currently offering its choice rugs at spectacular discounts. Some rugs are being offered at discounts of up to 40%. This means that popular designs such as the zebra print are selling for as £295 down from £400.

According to sources at Hide Rugs, the discounts were initially targeted at their most loyal customers. They were an in-house offer meant to their enable them to make bulk purchases. However, after careful consideration, the company decided to extend the offer to all potential customers for a limited time period. Therefore, all lovers of animal print can acquire the most popular designs for a fraction of their normal prices.

This includes top quality rugs like the Tiger Print Cowhide Rugs, Zebra Print Cowhide Rugs, Metallic Cowhide Rugs, and many more. All these designs and many others on offer can be seen on the company website at hiderugs.co.uk. The rugs are designed to exceed the highest standards of perfection. They are created out of top quality hides made by master tanners in Brazil. They are printed with a combination of high-tech and artistic techniques which produce prints which do not fade with time. They are specifically made to mimic the look and texture of the authentic animal hides. They are so perfect that unless subjected to rigorous testing standards, they can easily pass for the real animal skins.

These rugs are perfect for individuals who appreciate the beauty of animal skins. They are especially useful for those who want animal skins, but do not want to endanger the animals. These rugs provide an opportunity for people to enjoy the delights of animal prints without having to hunt the animals into extinction.

However, Hide Rugs also provides authentic animal skin rugs. Unlike the printed ones, these rugs are made from the real animal skins. Such rugs include Sheepskin Rugs, Reindeer Rugs, Springbok Rugs and Icelandic Sheepskin Rugs. These are premium quality rugs made out of the choicest skins of the respective animals. They are specifically made to preserve the life-like feel of the fur on the skins. These are perfect for people who prefer authentic animal skins to the printed ones.

In a nutshell, Hide Rugs has the perfect rug for all those who appreciate the beauty of animal skins. They can either opt for the high-quality cow-hide printed rugs or the authentic animal skin rugs. Whatever one opts for, these rugs can add a new decorative look to their office, living room or any other place they choose to put it.

Details about these fine animal skin rugs can be found on the Hide Rugs website at hiderugs.co.uk.

Original Source: https://sites.google.com/site/hiderugsuk/hide-rugs-now-offers-discounts-on-high-quality-animal-print-rugs.

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